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TikTok Live Stream Rules

TikTok Live Stream Rules

TikTok live stream rules are something that TikTok users should pay attention to. Because if you violate TikTok live broadcasting rules, you can lose your TikTok account. This is not something anyone wants. Because in order to be able to broadcast live on TikTok, you need to have more than 1000 subscribers. In other words, closing your TikTok account means that your efforts are wasted.

TikTok principles are to share friendly, safe, and fun content. TikTok may close your account if the things you share live broadcast against these principles. Because TikTok is also a platform used by very young children. For this reason, if you do not comply with TikTok live streams, your TikTok account may be closed. Let us tell you what these important TikTok live stream rules are.

What Are These Rules?

TikTok live broadcast rules are an issue that TikTok users should pay attention to. Because if you violate TikTok live stream rules, your account can be closed completely. Or you can get a permanent live broadcast penalty. This means not being able to use one of the features that are the backbone of TikTok. The first of the TikTok live stream rules is that you have more than a thousand subscribers. If your subscriber count is below 1000, you cannot open a live broadcast anyway.

Another rule is that you must be over 16 years old. People under the age of 16 cannot open a live stream on TikTok, no matter how many subscribers they have. Let us say you are older than 16 but younger than 18. Then you can live stream on TikTok, but people cannot send you gifts. Because the TikTok gift sending limit is set at 18 years old. Thus, the safety of small children is ensured. You should also use TikTok live broadcasts carefully and not violate these rules.

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Ways to Increase TikTok Followers

Ways to Increase TikTok Followers

People place too much emphasis on their TikTok followers. Because the higher this number, the more possible it is to be famous on TikTok. For this reason, people should do some things to increase their TikTok followers. In this article, we will talk about the things you can do to increase this number. First of all, it should be noted that being active is one of the most important things. So, you should produce good content and post regularly.

Producing good content also means being different from other people. If you produce the same content as other people, it will be very difficult to increase the number of followers on TikTok. You should set a unique theme and share on this theme. Be sure that you will be able to appeal to a much wider audience in this way. At the same time, people will not have an alternative to you because you are different. In other words, people who like the content you produce will only follow you.

The Relation Between Being Active and TikTok Follower Count

The more people are active on TikTok, the more people get to know them. Because the more content people produce, the more people appear on the homepage. There is a way to turn this situation into an advantage. If you really care about your content, that is, if you do really good work, your TikTok follower count will increase. Because everyone likes good content on TikTok. The higher the number of likes, the higher the rate of discovery. As the rate of discovery increases, the number of followers starts to increase automatically. For this reason, people should regularly share content on TikTok. This is how your TikTok followers will increase. And over time, you will be able to earn income from TikTok. In fact, after your TikTok audience expands, your Instagram audience will also expand.

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How to Earn TikTok Likes?

How to Earn TikTok Likes?

How TikTok likes will increase is also a matter of curiosity for many people. Because they are aware of being more popular on TikTok. And they want to use that convenience. There is a reason people are easier to spot on TikTok. This is the fact that quality steel really gets the value it deserves in TikTok. Some people see it because that's how the TikTok algorithm works. Drops a video taken by a TikTok user in front of other people. This causes the views to be high in people. People who see your video will like your content, especially if the video you shoot is of good quality. The more people like your content, the more people will continue to see your video. And thus, your TikTok views will increase exponentially. As your TikTok views increase, your TikTok likes will increase.

Increasing TikTok Likes

Increasing TikTok likes is very important to many people. Let us tell you how to increase your TikTok like counts. The first thing you need to do to increase your TikTok likes counts is to be an active user. If you don't post regularly on TikTok, the TikTok algorithm will put you in the background. After you post regularly on TikTok, your posts will start to appear in front of more and more people over time. And because people are constantly seeing you, they will become familiar with you.

Another thing you need to do is pay attention to the quality of your content. If you produce quality and different content, people will like your videos. And your TikTok likes will also experience a huge increase. This increase also causes an increase in the number of your followers. Another thing you can do quickly is to buy followers and likes from SMM sites. Contrary to what you might think, these sites are quite reliable sites. And it allows you to reach large masses in a short time.


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How to Become Popular with Instagram Discover?

How to Become Popular with Instagram Discover?

People realize that it is much easier to be popular with Instagram discover. For this reason, they do their best to make their posts discoverable. Many people still do not understand the impact of this page on being popular. In this article, we will first talk about the effect of this page on popularity. Then I will talk about what you can do to make your Instagram posts discoverable.

First, let us talk about the impact of Instagram discover on being popular. So much so that many people get bored with something on their homepage. And more likes to follow posts in discovery. Because Discover is a different and more endless platform for people. For this reason, the likes of the posts that are discovered on Instagram are also increasing. We will also tell you about us discover Instagram suggestions. We will talk about how your post should land on the Instagram discover page.

How Do Your Posts Fall on Instagram Discover?

Having your posts on Instagram discover means an increase in their interactions. Because for many people, discover Instagram is much better than the home page. Because in this page, people see different faces and different content. And that's why they like to browse Instagram explore a lot more. We will tell you how you can show your posts to more people with discover Instagram. First, it is worth noting that your Instagram profile must not be in incognito mode for your Instagram posts to be discovered.

After removing your Instagram profile from secret mode, you should actively post. Taking multiple photos or shooting videos will be very useful in this regard. Because it allows people to stay in touch with your posts longer in scrolling photos and videos. This contact also allows the Instagram algorithm to notice your posts and your discovery rates will increase.

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How To Be a TikTok Influencer?

How To Be a TikTok Influencer?

Today, many people from 7 to 70 want to be a TikTok influencer. Because TikTok influencers are also a group that earns a lot of income. And at the same time, being an influencer on TikTok right now is much easier than being an influencer on Instagram. And after you reach a certain audience on TikTok, your TikTok audience starts to follow you on Instagram as well. In other words, after you become a phenomenon in TikTok, you can become a phenomenon in other social media. Because people who follow you on TikTok will also want to follow you on Instagram and other social media platforms. Now we will tell you how to become a TikTok influencer. If you do what we say, you can easily have an audience on TikTok. And you can easily manage this audience.

Being a TikTok Influencer

The first thing we will talk about is, of course, gaining followers. The more followers you have, the more interaction you will have. And as your interactions increase, you turn into a TikTok influencer over time. The easiest way to increase your followers is to get followers from SMM sites. If you get followers from these sites, you will quickly be able to appeal to large audiences. Another important point is to produce active content.

If you actively post on TikTok, people will start seeing you more. As people see you more, your audience gradually starts to grow. This is something very important. If you do all this, you will be much closer to becoming an influencer on TikTok. When you become a TikTok influencer, a big change occurs during your life. If you still think that you can't have a certain audience on TikTok, you are wrong. Gaining an audience on TikTok is much easier, as TikTok is a newer platform. If you do the things we talked about in this article, you can appeal to large audiences in a short time.

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Facebook Secondhand Transactions

Facebook Secondhand Transactions

Facebook secondhand ads are something that many people don't give enough attention to. However, in countries other than Turkey, this feature of Facebook is widely used. Before we give you information about Facebook secondhand ads, we will talk about a different issue. We will talk about the positioning of Facebook from the past to the present. As you know, Facebook is the first platform where people started to socialize with social media. Facebook is the application that allows people to keep their phones connected to the internet. Nowadays, people talk more about Twitter and Instagram. But did Facebook disappear instead? Of course not.

Facebook today has some very different features. Secondhand flyers are one of them. Facebook is full of people who still use it actively. Especially Facebook groups are still indispensable. Because there is no alternative to Facebook. Instagram is a different genre. Twitter is a different platform. But Facebook is a platform that no person can give up and will always use. For this reason, Facebook second-hand ads are also very important. Let us give you some more detailed information on this subject.

Facebook Secondhand Ads

A lot of people don't know enough about Facebook secondhand ads. But especially abroad, these advertisements are very important. People abroad like to buy second-hand goods because they gain awareness of sustainability. And at the same time, Facebook is a great repository for people who like to shop that way. People prefer Facebook when they want to change their stuff or sell an item. And so, Facebook secondhand ads become the focus for many people. And many people have succeeded in selling their belongings thanks to this feature of Facebook.

You can discover all the features of Facebook and become a more active Facebook user. Rest assured, people who still actively use Facebook have very good reasons.

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How to Install Discord Bots?

How to Install Discord Bots?

Setting up discord bots is something many people wonder about. The reason for this is that people are still not used to discord bots. And people don't know how to set up discord bots and stuff like that. We will explain it in this article. We will tell people how to add these bots to their discord servers. And we will tell you what advantages they will gain thanks to these bots. First, it should be noted that thanks to discord bots, many people have a much better discord experience. This is the purpose of existence of these bots.

It is for people to have a much better discord experience. Especially e-sports players actively use discord. For this reason, the development of e-sportsmen's discord experience is also very important. You can do things you can't normally do with these bots. For example, you can listen to music with discord bots. If you ask what Discord bots are, they are fake users. All these fake users have a feature. Now let us talk about setting up discord bots. So, you can set up bots on your discord.

Setting Up Discord Bots

Now we will explain you everything about setting up discord bots. First, it should be noted that we will explain this process step by step. And that way it will be much easier for you to understand. Let's start with step 1. The first step in setting up a Discord bot is to log in to discord from the browser. After logging into your discord from the browser, there is the second step next. From here, you must go to and select the bot you want to add.

There are bots and their features at this address. You can choose the bot you need or the bot you like. The third step is to select the bot you want to add and click the invite or add to discord button. And discord will redirect you to the window that will invite your bot to your server. Then all you must do is select the server you want to add the bot to and authorize it. Then you will enter the discord server. In step 6, you will check whether your bot is working or not.


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How to Create a Discord Server?

How to Create a Discord Server?

With the effect of the pandemic, people needed to communicate with their teammates with applications such as discord server. Because during the pandemic, everyone has started working from home. This process has led to an increase in the use of applications such as discord. But many people who are unfamiliar with such applications do not know how to use these applications. And now we will tell you something unknown about discord. We will tell you how to set up a discord server. We think that you will understand this subject very well, as we will explain it step by step. If you are ready, let us start.

Step by Step Discord Server

Now we will tell you how to set up a discord server step by step. First, imagine that you are entering the discord. At the top left is the list of servers. And at the bottom of this list is a plus sign. We press that plus sign. It means create server. Then a page will appear, on this page you put the name of the server and the name of the server you want. Then you can choose the center of the server region. Of course, there are some things about it. Instead of selecting the region you are in, you can select a different region.

For example, for users living in Turkey, Russia or European Central servers provide the best servers. For this reason, most of the users living in Turkey choose these regions. At the same time, your other friends can also use this server. And you can use this server to communicate with your friends. When you say Discord, there are many details such as creating a channel, creating a category, server settings. The best way to learn all of these is to use discord actively.

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How to Create a Discord Channel?

How to Create a Discord Channel?

With the effect of the pandemic, people wanted to stay in touch with each other through things like the discord channel. The biggest reason for this is that people want to communicate with their teammates in a special way. Before the pandemic, Discord was a channel frequently used by people especially interested in e-sports. But after the pandemic, there has been quite a bit of diversity in the profile of people using discord.

With this diversification, many people of many ages started to use discord. With people entering this new platform, they had to get used to this platform. So, people weren't very experienced in using discord at first. So many questions arose. One of these questions was how to create a discord channel. Now we will tell you how to create a channel on discord.

Step By Step Creating Discord Channel

The first thing you need to do to create a discord channel is, of course, to download the discord app first. Then all you must do is click the + next to the text channels section. This means + create a new channel. You should write the name of the new channel on the screen that will appear. Then you should choose a VIP role that can reach this server.

Finally, you must click on the create channel button. You will choose who can use this channel. You can also create an audio channel in the same way. In voice channels, you can only chat with other people as if you were talking on the phone. All these features are familiar to esports players for years. However, it is quite normal for people who are new to this platform to not have any information about these features. If you want to learn more about using Discord, you can read the other articles we wrote about discord.


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How to Be Popular on TikTok?

How to Be Popular on TikTok?

Being popular on TikTok is important to many people. Now we will tell you ways to be popular on TikTok. The first thing you need to do to be popular on TikTok is to share actively. People want the person they follow to share actively. If you produce quality content and share it regularly, you will reach large audiences in a short time. This is something very important. When sharing on TikTok, you should set your own style. And you should work on this style. You should try to create a Stream yourself rather than the content produced by other people. So, you must be different. Your content should become your signature.

This way, the people who follow you on TikTok become loyal followers. This means that people who follow you on TikTok get used to your presence much easier this way. At the same time, it is important that you please the hearts of these people, even if they are 30 people following you. Because remember that the best advertisement is advice. If these 30 people recommend you to their friends, your followers will suddenly become 60. Then if the other 30 people recommend you to their friends, you will suddenly have 90 followers. For this reason, do not expect to have many followers to take care of your content. Those were the first things we would say about ways to be popular on TikTok. Now we will tell you about another method.

Being Popular Quickly on TikTok

We are talking about ways to be popular on TikTok. The method we will talk about now is the fastest way to become popular. Thanks to this method, you can have a lot of followers in a short time. And you can become popular on TikTok in no time. With SMM sites, you can quickly get a lot of followers on TikTok. After you have a lot of followers, people start to see your posts more. And so, you quickly become a popular user.

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