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I Forgot My Facebook Password

I Forgot My Facebook Password

If you forgot your Facebook password, you can reset your password and log in again. Under Forgot your account? You can continue the process by clicking on it. Find your forgotten account by entering your phone number, e-mail address or username. Facebook will provide you with a security verification method to verify your identity. Usually there will be an option to send a verification code to your email address or to send a verification code to your phone number. Complete the verification using the method you chose.

After the verification process is complete, a password reset page will open for you to reset your password. Choose a new strong password and save your password. After resetting your password, you can login to your Facebook account with your new password. For Forgot Password, it is important that your registered e-mail address or phone number is accessible. If you have forgotten or are unable to access this information, you can try to access your account using Facebook's account recovery options.

Can I Sell My Facebook Account To Someone Else?

Selling or transferring your Facebook account to someone else is against Facebook's Terms of Use and Data Policy. Facebook does not allow users to transfer or sell their accounts to other people. The Facebook account contains personal and confidential information and is associated with each account holder's own personal identity. Transferring or selling your account to someone else may create security and privacy risks and may result in abuse of the Facebook platform. Facebook implements various security measures and policies to prevent account transfers and sales. If such activity is detected, you may face consequences such as suspension of your account, closure or other sanctions. If you stop using your Facebook account or want to delete your account, Facebook offers you legal ways to transfer or delete your account. We will provide information about the process of deleting or transferring your account in our separate article.
