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What is the Instagram "Add Yours" Feature?

What is the Instagram "Add Yours" Feature?

Instagram, which is the most popular and heavily used among social media tools, introduces a new feature every day. Instagram add yours feature is one of them. This feature, which has been worked on for a few weeks and entered our lives as of November 2021, provides, in short, to create a wide story chain.

This new feature, which comes to both Android and iOS devices, greatly increases the interaction rate. Your story chain will be visible to a wide audience, especially if your account is public. In this feature, which has been made available recently, you can both join an existing story chain and start a new chain by using your imagination.

What is the Use of Add Yours?

Add yours, which has emerged as the most widely used story feature on Instagram recently, was created mainly for entertainment purposes. This feature, which supports both the socialization of people and the increase in interaction, can be used by public and private accounts. However, if this feature is used by private accounts, only the followers of that user will be able to access this post.

Instagram add yours feature allows people to be together on a specific situation or topic. For example, in the add yours feature opened under the heading "Add a photo of summer", each user can replay their memories by sharing a photo of the summer. Similarly, in the add yours story feature, which is opened with the title "Leave a word for the day", people can give different story answers depending on how they feel that day.

To summarize briefly, Add Yours is an Instagram story feature that has entered our lives recently and has been widely used since its first release. Although the main purpose of this feature is to revive memories and have fun, its contribution to interaction is undeniable.
