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Message History in Skype

Message History in Skype

Skype is an instant communication platform where users can send and receive text messages with other Skype users. Messages sent and received in Skype are automatically stored in the message history. This feature allows users to keep track of their past conversations and to go back and review important information. In the Skype app or web browser, open the chat window to view past messages. All past messages are included in all chats with the other user. You can use the search box to search for specific messages in the message history. When you enter the keywords you are interested in or the date range, you can find all the messages made on that topic. Deleting or keeping the messages is up to the user's preference. You can delete unwanted messages or hide important information. Skype syncs message history between different devices. That is, messages sent or received from one device are also displayed on other devices.

Meetings on Skype

Skype offers a meeting feature that allows users to come together to host and attend meetings. It can be used for Skype meetings, business meetings, educational events, teamwork and many more occasions. You can use the "New Meeting" option to create a Skype meeting. When creating a meeting, you can specify the meeting name, date, time and other participants. Other users who will join the meeting can join the meeting after receiving an invitation. To join, simply click on the meeting link on the invitation. You can screen share and organize presentations during Skype meetings.

This is useful for sharing content and working together with other attendees. You can make audio or video calls during the meeting. Group chat facilitates communication between participants. Skype meetings can be synchronized with Microsoft Outlook and other calendar applications. So you can add meetings to your calendar and get reminders. Meeting features on Skype are extremely useful for teleworking and remote communication. 
