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Is it possible to delete the first names that appear when we write letters from Instagram?

Is it possible to delete the first names that appear when we write letters from Instagram?

Is it possible to delete the first names that appear when we write letters from Instagram?

There is an option to delete the first names that appear when you type letters on Instagram. This includes when you enter a letter or word in the search box and suggested accounts or searches appear. Here I will tell you how you can delete these suggested accounts or searches. Open the Instagram app and tap the home icon in the lower right corner to view your profile. On the main page, find the search box. It is usually located at the top or in the middle of the home page. Clicking on the search box will display a list of suggested accounts or searches previously in your search history.

Tap the "X" icon next to the account or search suggestion you're interested in. This will remove that item from your search history. Confirmation dialog will open to remove suggested account or search item. Tap the "Uninstall" or "Delete" button to confirm that you want to delete it. By following these steps, you can easily delete the first names or suggested accounts that appear when you type letters on Instagram. When you re-enter the same letter or word later, your new searches should appear among the suggested ones.

Delete voice and video calls on Instagram

There is no option to directly delete audio or video call history on Instagram. Instagram does not provide such a feature and does not offer users the ability to view or delete their history. Therefore, it is not possible to delete the history of voice or video calls you make on Instagram. However, voice or video calls made on Instagram are usually not stored temporarily. This means that searches are usually not recorded and are not accessible later. You don't need to take any specific action to delete your call history or records. If you are concerned about privacy or security reasons, you can review the privacy settings of your Instagram account for further action.
